Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Islam & Natural Healing Articles

A lot of people have been asking me for links to articles I have written in the past. I have finally compiled an updated list and am pasting it below. You can click on any of the article names and it will take you to the website where the article is located.


Blessings & Health,
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND

Prophetic Condiments Copied on Blog Site
Sisters Magazine Members Area - Herbal Recipes
Muslim Parenting » Babies and Toddlers
Accupuncture and Islam
Islamic Reiki
Alternative Medicine and Islam
Prayer, the Most Powerful Healer
Muslims and Weight Loss
Halal, Organic or Vegetarian?
Water: It Also Flows in Paradise
Health Benefits of Saying "Alhamdulillah"
Herbs in Hadith:Part One of Three: Exotic Herbs
Herbs In Hadith:Kitchen Herbs
Health and Nutrition of The Prophet:
Health Benefits of Prophetic Condiments: Part One of Five
The Blessings of the Lunar Calendar
Foods of the Prophet: Part 2 of 5
Prayer, the Most Powerful Healer
The “Yoga” of Islamic Prayer
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University of Missouri Museum of Anthropology Prayer Beads Exhibit
Traditional Yoga Studies Interactive Forums Yoga ... And something like that The Yoga of Islamic Prayer
The “Yoga” of Islamic Prayer: Article Linked/Copied by 'Islam Awareness'
The “Yoga” of Islamic Prayer
The Yoga of Islamic Prayer as REPUBLISHED in 'The Wake up Call'
The Science of Xenophobia
The Science of Boys
The Physical Characteristics of Temperament: Part 1 of 3
The Personality of Temperaments: Part 2 of 3
The Message: Copy of Article on Fajr Prayer
The Lunar Calendar
The History and Theory of the Temperaments in Islamic Medicine
The Healing Power of Prayer Beads
The Healing Colors of Friday Prayers
The Existence of the “Vegetarian Muslim”
The Existence of the “Vegetarian Muslim”
The Dangers of Soy
The Blessings of the Lunar Calendar
The Existence of the “Vegetarian Muslim”
Grains of the Prophet
Letter to the Editor: Insomnia
Islamic Science in History
Letter to the Editor: Osteoporosis
Miracle Foods From Allah
Mathematics of the Heavens with El-Tusi
Letter to the Editor: Weak Immune System
Natural Healing in Islam
Letter to the Editor: Libido in Women
The Healing Colors of Friday Prayers
The Physical Characteristics of Temperament: Part 1 of 3
The History and Theory of the Temperaments in Islamic Medicine
The Personality of Temperaments: Part 2 of 3
Mad Cow And Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Temperamental Depression
Natural Cures for Depression
Natural Causes of Depression
Letter to the Editor: Earache
Mad Cow Disease and Vegetarianism
Drugs, Medicines, Herbs and Birth Defects
Causes and Perceptions of Schizophrenia
Mental Retardation: Prevention in the Unborn Child
Natural Cures for Schizophrenia
Journal of an Herbalist:Rashes
Journal of an Herbalist: Lethargy
Journal of an Herbalist: Alchoholism
Journal of an Herbalist:Wetting the Bed
Herbal Healing Through Translations
Journal of an Herbalist:Allergies and Fatigue
Journal of an Herbalist:Panic Attacks
Vitamin Resources Online Quotes K. Burns as a SOURCE
The Message: Copy of Article on Fajr Prayer
Camel Milk Threads: DEEN INTENSIVE FOR SISTERS MARCH 24-27 2005
Food in Islam: Translated into German
Muslim Contribution to Optics published by ''
University of Missouri Museum of Anthropology Prayer Beads Exhibit
Les bénéfices sur la santé de dire Al hamdullilah
The Yoga of Islamic Prayer as REPUBLISHED in 'The Wake up Call'
Traditional Yoga Studies Interactive Forums Yoga ... And something like that The Yoga of Islamic Prayer
New Years Eve and Islam: Copied/Published by 'Islamic Pathways'
Depression by Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D uses Karima Burns as a resource
Non Muslim Researcher Quotes Work by Kristie Karima Burns, Mh, ND
Cure for Depression: Copied/Posted by Al Yusra Magazine
Prayer is Healthy: Article Copied by ''
FLYERS: Before Leonardo Da Vinci
The “Yoga” of Islamic Prayer: Article Linked/Copied by 'Islam Awareness'
Medicine of the Prophet Links to Articles
Interfaith forums - prophet Muhammad(PBUH)'s diet habits:very informative
Health Bennefits of Saying "Alhamdullilah" : Article Linked to by 'The Modern Religion'
Ramadan Article Translated into Dutch
The Existence of the “Vegetarian Muslim”
The American Muslim Magazine: SARS
The American Muslim Magazine: Sinusitis
Journal of an Herbalist: Infertility
Journal of an Herbalist: Weight Loss
Journal of an Herbalist: Pregnancy
Journal of an Herbalist: Digestion and Back Pain
Journal of an Herbalist: Eczema
Journal of an Herbalist: Fibromyalgia Part Two
Healing Oneself After Terrorism Strikes
Journal of an Herbalist: Endometriosis
Journal of an Herbalist: Anxiety and Depression
The Science of Boys
Journal of an Herbalist: Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Health Bennefits of Fajr Prayer
Journal of an Herbalist: Healing Dreams
Love Helps You Lose Weight
Journal of an Herbalist: Taking Too Many Herbs
Journal of an Herbalist: Colds and Flus
The Dangers of Soy
Journal of an Herbalist: Fibromyalgia
The Healing Power of Prayer Beads
Journal of an Herbalist: Uticaria
Side Effects of Psychiatric Drugs
Journal of an Herbalist: Too Healthy?
Blood Typing for Health
Science Transcends the Palestinian Israeli Conflict
Journal of an Herbalist: Stress as a Risk
Journal of an Herbalist: Pet Medicine
Saudi Arabia: The Country of Energy
Journal of an Herbalist: The Perfect Diet
Is Wheat Natural or Man Made?
The Science of Xenophobia
Journal of an Herbalist: Digestive Problems
Breathing/Oxygen Therapy and Islam
Islamic Ethics in Healing
Television and Islam
The Lunar Calendar
Miracle Foods from Allah
Herbs in Hadith: Condiments
Herbs in Hadith: Herbs of Ramadan
Losing Weight During Ramadan
Break Fasting on Dates
Health Bennefits of Saying "Alhamdullilah"
Journal of an Herbalist: Eating Right
Prophetic Medicine and Modern Life
Journal of an Herbalist: Depression
Journal of and Herbalist: Toothache
Is Beauty Skin Deep?
Is Cholesterol Really the Worst Problem?
Journal of an Herbalist: Healing the Lungs Health in `Eid
Muslim American Society Profile