Blessings & Health,
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND
Since 1990 Herb'n Home & Herb'n Muslim have been bringing natural living & healing inspiration to homes around the world...
Posted by
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND
10:24 PM
Dear Readers,
The following is only an excerpt and is not a complete consultation. If you have stomach issues yourself you should consult your health care practitioner. I am posting this to give you some ideas. This was a response to one of my consulting clients as a FOLLOW UP on her initial consultation. She is also consulting with a local health care practitioner so my ideas are supplemental:
Dear Karima,
Following the consultation with you I noticed my daughter also has some stomach problems. She wakes up complaining for about 30 minutes and then she is OK.
Dear Client,
I have some ideas how to help depending on what else you have observed:
1. It could be just that she needs to release from the sleep she was in. A lot of people have aches in the morning because they need to go to the bathroom (either kind) and when they go and release that the stomach ache goes away. I have also found that in SOME people they cannot distinguish between a stomach ache and the urge to go to the bathroom. For them it is so very similar. It is like when they need to go their brain does not tell them to go, but instead sends them a pain signal. If your daughter is this type then you can help her by teaching her to listen to her body more, insist that she go to the bathroom every time you leave the house, before bed, etc...
2. If it is nerves from an event she goes to every day (school) this is also normal. There are a lot of children and adults who get stomach aches when they first wake up because the transition from the safety of the home to the outside world is difficult for them. If she is the type of child who finds transitions difficult then this could be part of the issue. If this is the case then just do your best to wake her up earlier to give her more time to transition so she knows she has more time and perhaps even some time to play in the morning before she goes out. She has a strong need to CENTER herself before going out. You can also start the morning with some calming chamomile tea or perhaps light a lavender candle (REAL lavender) before she wakes up in the morning so the house has a calming feel to it when she wakes up.
3. From all that you have said about her it does not sound like a food or allergy or physical issue in that way so the last thing I would try looking into is if she is getting enough sleep or not. It is very common for people to feel ill upon waking if they do not get enough sleep. I know many people and clients who have this issue. She should be getting 9-10 hours a night and perhaps more. If she is not getting this regularly then her body is not able to complete the cycles of healing and recharging it does every night and she will wake up feeling ill.
Blessings & Health,
Posted by
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND
2:53 PM
I just finished having surgery on my teeth and am in a lot of pain. Do you have any advice?
I assume that you are consulting with your dentist and are aware of any warning signs of infection that might require you return to his office. Other than that...
For any tooth pain at all I use the homeopathic remedy Hypericum.
The other remedy I use is cloves or clove oil. It is an antibiotic and it numbs the area of pain so you don't feel it. If you have some essential oil of clove put 3 drops in a TBS of olive oil and apply directly to the area with a cotton swab. If you don't have any essential oil then take some whole cloves and simmer them in a little olive oil (don't fry them) for a bit and THEN apply that to the area. You can also just suck on an entire clove (on that side of your mouth). That works too.
Blessings & Health,
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND
Posted by
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND
2:33 PM
Ms. Burns,
Assalamwalaikum, I hope you are doing well. I am
writing this e-mail to you with deep concern for my
father. He is almost 70 years old and since I can
remember he had and has a digestive problem,
heartburn, he does not get hungry, constipation and he
is in constant pain (quite literally). He is a
smoker, and there is no chance of him quitting. He
takes numerous amounts of medicines and tries anything
in hope of relieving his suffering due to abdominal
pain. He will eat fruits such as kiwi, prunes, dates
and figs so he can use the restroom. However, I
believe my father is not consistent in taking one type
of medicine. He gave up a long time ago. Are there
any herbs that you can suggest, or anything he could
do so his pain can decrease? Thank you, Jazak Allah.
- MG
Dear MG,
As you already know he does need to stop smoking. Additionally, his problems sound very serious and he should consult a health care practitioner. Meanwhile, please try Aloe Vera juice mixed with juice (to make it taste better). If he takes 2 ounces 3 times a day with juice (start with 2 times a day and then increase to 3 if he needs it) this will help him. You might also consider getting him a full consultation so he has a holistic practitioner look at all his issues together.
You can get Aloe Vera juice at the health food stores but it is much less expensive from the health section of the grocery stores.
If you are not living in the USA then try Psyllium seed powder mixed with juice 2 times a day.
Blessings & Health,
Posted by
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND
2:23 PM