I actually discovered MSG when I was living in Egypt. I thought they had invented it because it was such a popular ingredient in all their soups - especially in those "Maggi" cubes. However, when I started to feel ill every time I ate something with MSG I started to do some more research. Even before completing my studies in natural healing I had become aware of the harms of MSG.
It turns out that MSG is a harmful flavoring that causes different health problems for different people ranging from stomach aches, insomnia and headaches to more major problems like diabetes, heart problems and cancer. Because of its dangers Chinese restuarants were pressured to take it out of their foods about 8-10 years ago. What I have found offensive, since then, is that while Chinese restaurants have taken it out of their foods, places like Pizza Hut continue to add it to their sauces and many canned items include it in their sauces and soups. It is still used in many salad dressings and other food items here in America, and still used liberally in the Middle East.
What I have always had a hard time understanding, however, is how a predominately Muslim culture can continue to use a flavoring that is extracted from dried animal blood and decaying protein? The following description was provided by a student of the Islamic Healing Course (www.IslamicHealingCourse.com) As I was correcting assginments this morning it reminded me of MSG and the Muslim world and inspired me to post this reminder to the list:
MSG: Also can be named as hydrolyzed plant protein, natural flavor and Kmbu extract, autolyzed yeast, and yeast extract. The animal based MSG comes from animal blood or decaying protein. It has been linked to learning disorders in children and hyperactivity. Effects include headaches, nausea, diarrhea, mood changes, sleep problems, rash, sweating, and chest pain.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
MSG and the Muslim World
Posted by
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND
2:09 PM
Friday, March 6, 2009
Letters to the Editor: What Are Epsom Salts?
Question: I am using a formula of salt, olive and lemon juice for cleansing. Can I use Epsom salts instead? It says I should use sea salt? Why?
Answer: Epsom salts are not just "salts" - they are a natural substance that can extract toxins from your body. Scientifically Epsom salts are a magensium sulfate "salts" - most minerals can be made into salt! Regular salt that we eat is really just mostly sodium chloride. You would not want to eat Epsom salts, although there are some ways you can consume them safely "now and then" for health benefits.
Sea salt is also beneficial in therapy - although its effects are different from that of Epsom salts because sea salts are made up of many different minerals.
Sea salt contains about 84 different essential minerals - 83 which are actually EXTRACTED when regular table salt is made!
And yes, you CAN mix the lemon juice, olive oil and sea salt.
Blessings & Health,
Posted by
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND
5:46 PM
Labels: Letters to the Editor, Salt
Letters to the Editor: Stomach Pain
My schedule no longer allows me to answer Letters to the Editor. I now do all of my consulting via www.HerbnHome.com . At this time I am posting some old letters that I want to share with the public in case they may help someone else. I will be posting a sample of some of these old letters from time to time on this BLOG. A complete file of old "Letters to the Editor" is available by becoming a member of the consulting list at www.HerbnHome.com
Stomach Pain
Question: Ms. Burns,
Assalamwalaikum, I hope you are doing well. I am
writing this e-mail to you with deep concern for my
father. He is almost 70 years old and since I can
remember he had and has a digestive problem,
heartburn, he does not get hungry, constipation and he
is in constant pain (quite literally). He is a
smoker, and there is no chance of him quitting. He
takes numerous amounts of medicines and tries anything
in hope of relieving his suffering due to abdominal
pain. He will eat fruits such as kiwi, prunes, dates
and figs so he can use the restroom. However, I
believe my father is not consistent in taking one type
of medicine. He gave up a long time ago. Are there
any herbs that you can suggest, or anything he could
do so his pain can decrease? Thank you, Jazak Allah.
- MG
Please try Aloe Vera juice mixed with juice (to make it taste better). If he takes 2 ounces 3 times a day with juice (start with 2 times a day and then increase to 3 if he needs it) I am sure he will feel better. You might also consider getting him a full consultation so he has a holistic practitioner look at all his issues together. I offer online consultations but you may want to see someone in your area.
I hope this helps!
I know it has helped many people I know.
You can get Aloe Vera juice at the health food stores but it is much less expensive from the health section of the grocery stores.
If you are not living in the USA then try Psyllium seed powder mixed with juice 2 times a day.
Posted by
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND
5:04 PM
Labels: Letters to the Editor, Stomach