Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Islam & Natural Healing Articles

A lot of people have been asking me for links to articles I have written in the past. I have finally compiled an updated list and am pasting it below. You can click on any of the article names and it will take you to the website where the article is located.


Blessings & Health,
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND

Prophetic Condiments Copied on Blog Site
Sisters Magazine Members Area - Herbal Recipes
Muslim Parenting » Babies and Toddlers
Accupuncture and Islam
Islamic Reiki
Alternative Medicine and Islam
Prayer, the Most Powerful Healer
Muslims and Weight Loss
Halal, Organic or Vegetarian?
Water: It Also Flows in Paradise
Health Benefits of Saying "Alhamdulillah"
Herbs in Hadith:Part One of Three: Exotic Herbs
Herbs In Hadith:Kitchen Herbs
Health and Nutrition of The Prophet:
Health Benefits of Prophetic Condiments: Part One of Five
The Blessings of the Lunar Calendar
Foods of the Prophet: Part 2 of 5
Prayer, the Most Powerful Healer
The “Yoga” of Islamic Prayer
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University of Missouri Museum of Anthropology Prayer Beads Exhibit
Traditional Yoga Studies Interactive Forums Yoga ... And something like that The Yoga of Islamic Prayer
The “Yoga” of Islamic Prayer: Article Linked/Copied by 'Islam Awareness'
The “Yoga” of Islamic Prayer
The Yoga of Islamic Prayer as REPUBLISHED in 'The Wake up Call'
The Science of Xenophobia
The Science of Boys
The Physical Characteristics of Temperament: Part 1 of 3
The Personality of Temperaments: Part 2 of 3
The Message: Copy of Article on Fajr Prayer
The Lunar Calendar
The History and Theory of the Temperaments in Islamic Medicine
The Healing Power of Prayer Beads
The Healing Colors of Friday Prayers
The Existence of the “Vegetarian Muslim”
The Existence of the “Vegetarian Muslim”
The Dangers of Soy
The Blessings of the Lunar Calendar
The Existence of the “Vegetarian Muslim”
Grains of the Prophet
Letter to the Editor: Insomnia
Islamic Science in History
Letter to the Editor: Osteoporosis
Miracle Foods From Allah
Mathematics of the Heavens with El-Tusi
Letter to the Editor: Weak Immune System
Natural Healing in Islam
Letter to the Editor: Libido in Women
The Healing Colors of Friday Prayers
The Physical Characteristics of Temperament: Part 1 of 3
The History and Theory of the Temperaments in Islamic Medicine
The Personality of Temperaments: Part 2 of 3
Mad Cow And Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Temperamental Depression
Natural Cures for Depression
Natural Causes of Depression
Letter to the Editor: Earache
Mad Cow Disease and Vegetarianism
Drugs, Medicines, Herbs and Birth Defects
Causes and Perceptions of Schizophrenia
Mental Retardation: Prevention in the Unborn Child
Natural Cures for Schizophrenia
Journal of an Herbalist:Rashes
Journal of an Herbalist: Lethargy
Journal of an Herbalist: Alchoholism
Journal of an Herbalist:Wetting the Bed
Herbal Healing Through Translations
Journal of an Herbalist:Allergies and Fatigue
Journal of an Herbalist:Panic Attacks
Vitamin Resources Online Quotes K. Burns as a SOURCE
The Message: Copy of Article on Fajr Prayer
Camel Milk Threads: DEEN INTENSIVE FOR SISTERS MARCH 24-27 2005
Food in Islam: Translated into German
Muslim Contribution to Optics published by ''
University of Missouri Museum of Anthropology Prayer Beads Exhibit
Les bénéfices sur la santé de dire Al hamdullilah
The Yoga of Islamic Prayer as REPUBLISHED in 'The Wake up Call'
Traditional Yoga Studies Interactive Forums Yoga ... And something like that The Yoga of Islamic Prayer
New Years Eve and Islam: Copied/Published by 'Islamic Pathways'
Depression by Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D uses Karima Burns as a resource
Non Muslim Researcher Quotes Work by Kristie Karima Burns, Mh, ND
Cure for Depression: Copied/Posted by Al Yusra Magazine
Prayer is Healthy: Article Copied by ''
FLYERS: Before Leonardo Da Vinci
The “Yoga” of Islamic Prayer: Article Linked/Copied by 'Islam Awareness'
Medicine of the Prophet Links to Articles
Interfaith forums - prophet Muhammad(PBUH)'s diet habits:very informative
Health Bennefits of Saying "Alhamdullilah" : Article Linked to by 'The Modern Religion'
Ramadan Article Translated into Dutch
The Existence of the “Vegetarian Muslim”
The American Muslim Magazine: SARS
The American Muslim Magazine: Sinusitis
Journal of an Herbalist: Infertility
Journal of an Herbalist: Weight Loss
Journal of an Herbalist: Pregnancy
Journal of an Herbalist: Digestion and Back Pain
Journal of an Herbalist: Eczema
Journal of an Herbalist: Fibromyalgia Part Two
Healing Oneself After Terrorism Strikes
Journal of an Herbalist: Endometriosis
Journal of an Herbalist: Anxiety and Depression
The Science of Boys
Journal of an Herbalist: Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Health Bennefits of Fajr Prayer
Journal of an Herbalist: Healing Dreams
Love Helps You Lose Weight
Journal of an Herbalist: Taking Too Many Herbs
Journal of an Herbalist: Colds and Flus
The Dangers of Soy
Journal of an Herbalist: Fibromyalgia
The Healing Power of Prayer Beads
Journal of an Herbalist: Uticaria
Side Effects of Psychiatric Drugs
Journal of an Herbalist: Too Healthy?
Blood Typing for Health
Science Transcends the Palestinian Israeli Conflict
Journal of an Herbalist: Stress as a Risk
Journal of an Herbalist: Pet Medicine
Saudi Arabia: The Country of Energy
Journal of an Herbalist: The Perfect Diet
Is Wheat Natural or Man Made?
The Science of Xenophobia
Journal of an Herbalist: Digestive Problems
Breathing/Oxygen Therapy and Islam
Islamic Ethics in Healing
Television and Islam
The Lunar Calendar
Miracle Foods from Allah
Herbs in Hadith: Condiments
Herbs in Hadith: Herbs of Ramadan
Losing Weight During Ramadan
Break Fasting on Dates
Health Bennefits of Saying "Alhamdullilah"
Journal of an Herbalist: Eating Right
Prophetic Medicine and Modern Life
Journal of an Herbalist: Depression
Journal of and Herbalist: Toothache
Is Beauty Skin Deep?
Is Cholesterol Really the Worst Problem?
Journal of an Herbalist: Healing the Lungs Health in `Eid
Muslim American Society Profile

Thursday, November 8, 2007

QUOTE of the week by Sofi

A remembered this quote recently and wanted to share it with you. About two years ago I was talking to my daughter about someone and I said "...they are foreigners". I could have been talking about friends of mine living abroad or I could have been talking about someone here I don't remember. But I do remember what she said to me. She looked at me with this VERY QUIZZICAL look on her face and said "Mom. Nobody can be foreign. Everyone has to have a country SOMEWHERE!" Some would say she didn't really understand the word itself.

But I think she understands more than most of us do.


Hi Kristie,
Thank you for these great videos. I am going to make the ginger syrup tonight. My dd is very sick and the congestion is getting worse so we are trying everything we can to avoid albuterol therapy. She is not asmatic this virus has just really weakened her usually strong system and the cough/congestion won't leave her chest/lungs. I am hoping the ginger syrup will help along with the other natural remedies we are trying. I am wondering how much honey I should add? And if I could use my vitamix to liquefy the ginger and water before straining? Or would that make the ginger mixture to strong or ruin it? I really appreciate your sharing your knowledge with us and cannot thank you enough for this recipe.
Thanks - CH

Dear CH,

Thank you for the thank you :) The proportion of honey is supposed to be 1:1 but I like it a little more gingery and less sugary so I just left it like it was at the end of the video. AFTER you make it you can add other tinctures to it as long as you keep it stored safely and you are aware of how much of the other substance is in there so you don't overdose someone on it. The regular portion someone should take of this is 2 TBS (for an adult) 3 times a day.

From the sounds of your dd it sounds like she needs THYME tea or an aromatherapy thyme rub on her chest (or marjorum or oregano). You can add three drops of one of those oils to a base oil (1 TBS base oil) and rub it on the back (if she's shy or doesn't want to rub it on her chest herself) and chest if possible.

You can also have her inhale the mist as you are making THYME TEA. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tsp. Dried thyme and as the aroma is coming up and the herbs are steeping for 15 minutes she can breathe in the vapors. Hope she is feeling better. Whenever I get sick it ALWAYS goes to my lungs so I know how she feels. Awful!


Dear Karima,

I suffer from debilitating headaches caused by MSG. No matter how hard I try to avoid it - it continues to surprise me and pop up too often for my taste. Please help! How can I tell if a food has MSG and how can I stop these headaches? - KF

Dear KF -

I know what you mean! I also have a problem with MSG. In fact, I could be hired as a MSG tester. Almost immediately upon eating anything with MSG I get headaches and am debilitated in some way - either I am up all night or I have to go to sleep right away. I feel sick in general and it is just awful. I will eat out sometimes and have this reaction and then think - that place does not have MSG! How can it! With all the hype about Chinese MSG how can Pizza Hut have MSG in their Pizza and nobody says anything about it????? Anyway, I already have my own list of places around town that I can't eat at because of their MSG usage but you are right - it is hard to completely avoid.

One thing I do to help "flush it out" after it happens is I make a tea of Nettles, Red Rasberry, Alfalafa and Peppermint. Half of the tea is nettles which flushes the MSG out of your body. The other herbs help you regain your balance and energy and the peppermint also helps with the headaches. You can order these herbs anywhere online. You should use them in loose herb form and make a tea for best effect.

Hope this helps.

Blessings & Health,

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Sinus Infections

Dear Editor,

The doctor says I need sugery for my sinus infections. Is there anything natural I can try first?

- GH

Dear GH -
This may sound very simple, but a lot of clients I have had used a Netti Pot with GREAT success. They started out with recurring sinus infections and after a few uses they never saw a sinus infection again in their lives (at least so far...I've tracked the oldest case for only 6 years). Salt has healing properties we don't give it credit for and was a favorite herb of the Prophet (SAWS). You can find out more info on Netti pots by doing a Google Internet search.

There are a lot of herbs, homeopathics and aromatherapy oils I could also suggest for you. I could give you a list 3 pages long but why use these other things when a small investment of about $15.00 for a "pot" is all the Netti treatment costs? And the salt water is free as long as you do the treatment.
If you have any further questions please contact me. I may be able to help you with another short e-mail or a more in-depth online consultation.
Blessings & Health,
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

LESSON: From a Car Accident Yesterday

Dear Members,

Yesterday I was in the first car accident of my life. I had some injury to my back and neck. They say there are no broken bones but I have to wait a few days to see if the pain and swelling are just muscle stress or something more serious. I am hoping it all just gets better in a few days. Right now I am just able to work very slowly but I am thankful for a lot of things and I wanted to share these with you so you can learn from what happened to me and perhaps have a little time to reflect on the things that you are thankful for today.

I am thankful that...

1. ...The kids were in the backseat. Sometimes I do let the older child sit in front, but if he had been sitting in front he would have rammed his head into the dashboard and not the soft seat in front of him. Note to self - NEVER let even an older child sit in front!

2. ...The kids were wearing their seatbelts. Sometimes they "forget" and I have to remind them. And sometimes I forget to remind them and we go a few blocks before I realize they are not belted in. Note to self: Be 100% diligent about reminding them and don't forget in the future AT ALL!

3. ...I was wearing my seatbelt. I was rammed into very hard from behind. If I had not been wearing my seatbelt I imagine my face would not be too pretty right now.

4. ...That is was not worse. About the only thing I can do today is type a little and sit. So I was reading the paper a bit and there was a story about a lady who was in a similar accident 4 years ago and the spine injuries she sustained cause paralysis. She is looking for donations for a surgery that she needs. I think I will send some money.

5. ...That I was not talking on my cell phone or eating while I was driving. I have to admit (shame on me) that I occassionally did this in the past. Well, I realize if I HAD been doing that last night the accident would have been much worse. I had fast enough reflexes and was focused enough that I stopped before I hit the car in front of me. Of course my car hit him eventually anyway after the car behind me hit ME but the accident would have been much worse if I had not been completely focused on my driving at that moment.

6...That is was rush hour and traffic was slow. I usually hate 73rd street because of the slow traffic. I am learning to appreciate it now.

Wishing you all a safe driving day!

Blessings & Health,
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND

Saturday, September 29, 2007

JOBS: Illume Magazine Call for Submissions

I was just sent this note today by Javed Ali, director of Illume Magazine. If you are a writer please read on...

Illume Magazine is an independent media publication that aims to connect to the peoples of America and to the global electronic community in an effort to present the beauty of Islam through web and print media. .

In recent years, Islam has seen an increase in attention from the mainstream media, but this attention generally presents a distorted image of Islam, which avoids addressing critical issues. The mainstream media is flooded with misinformation regarding Islam, and this is largely due to ignorance. However, the reality of the situation is that a large body of informed perspectives exists outside the mainstream. Illume seeks to act as an alternative media outlet for these perspectives.

We are looking for submissions for our Post 9/11 and Islamophobia Issues.

Please refer to our Submissions Guideline before sending your articles.

Deadline: September 30, 2007
Print: November 2007


Islam may very well be the fastest growing religion in the world, but most Westerners are reluctant to see it as a harmonious way of life or universal faith to gain understanding from. The experiences we share in a post 9/11 world are something to be discussed at length and this is just the time to bring it to light. The staff of Illume is looking for submissions that address the ongoing conflict of ideology and methodology when principles of the East meet with those of the West. Below you will find themes to guide your research.

Xenophobia toward Muslims in literature, film and general imagery and how this has an effect on the perceptions of ordinary Americans- Seeking a feature length, in depth sociological analysis of contemporary anti-Islamic literature and films in addition to how images are used in propaganda to perpetuate stereotypes and to increase fear, anxiety and suspicion of Muslims.

Anti-Islamic laws and social practices in predominantly Muslim countries- While certain countries may continue to uphold “extreme religious” customs, others are leaning toward a more Westernized push in the daily lives of their citizens. Are Muslims experiencing an inferiority complex? For example, consider Turkey ’s ban on hijab (khimar) and Tunisia ’s pending ban. Illume will consider publishing original commentary, news briefs and general updates on what has happened to women (or men) who resist these laws as a means of civil disobedience.

Legal Double standards in the US judicial system as they relate to Muslims- How have laws affected Muslim citizens who are completely innocent of “conspiracies” and “terrorism”? What are the experiences like of those who have been harassed or detained due to these laws? Illume is particularly interested in hearing the perspective of non Muslims in this regard. More specifically, we are looking to publish memoirs of Asian (Japanese) American citizens who lived in internment camps.

Everyday struggles of Muslim converts and how they relate to biological relatives that don’t share the same faith- What’s it like to cope with bigotry and/or discrimination when it comes from your own families? How do you gently combat these challenges when it comes to loved ones without “severing ties”?

Discrimination in the workplace for men and women- Do your religious practices or dress code affect employee-to-employer relations? Have you ever lost a job on account of your differing spiritual preferences? Illume readers would love to read the stories of hard working individuals who may or may not have had employment terminated due to being Muslim. Even if you didn’t lose a job, has it become more difficult or awkward because you are perceived as “different”? Or, did you initially experience discrimination and later resolved this with employers or co-workers?


Submissions must be an original work by the submitting author.

Attachments should be in an Microsoft Word Document.

You may submit up to 2 submissions.

Each submission should cover a different topic.

Include your name, email address, thumbnail photo (JPEG) and a 4-line bio along with your submission.

Copyright must be owned by submitting author.

Please use and cite as much supporting documentation as possible when writing your commentary (footnotes).

Please have your submissions thoroughly edited before you submit it.

There is no guarantee that your submission will be published.

If your submission is selected for inclusion in Illume Magazine, you will be sent a release form to complete.

You will still own the copyright to your commentary.

There is no monetary compensation for your submission.

However, you will receive a free copy of the magazine if your submission is included.

Please refer all questions to

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

IN THE NEWS: Healing Scents

I found the following article at:

Scents That Heal
Aromatherapy in Ancient Azerbaijani Medicine

by Dr. Farid Alakbarov

Is your life tense and stressful? Maybe chamomile can help. Need to clear out some of that mental "fog" and regain your focus? Try peppermint. Feeling frustrated, irritable or anxious? Perhaps lavender is the solution. Claims like these are currently being made by practitioners of aromatherapy, a type of alternative medicine that is gaining popularity in the United States and Europe. Aromatherapists believe that flowers and herbs have value beyond their wonderful smells-perhaps these plants even have the power to heal.

The practice of aromatherapy is believed to date back several millennia to the Egyptians and Babylonians, who often took baths with aromatic herbs and other substances for hygienic and medicinal purposes. For instance, Egyptian queen Cleopatra was known to bathe regularly with rose petals.

In Azerbaijan as well, aromatherapy was once considered to be part of mainstream medicine. Medieval Azerbaijani doctors regularly prescribed essential oils and other fragrances for their patients. For example, a bath that smelled of roses - such as Cleopatra used to take - would have been prescribed for someone who was feeling melancholic or who had a headache.

Historian Farid Alakbarov specializes in studying ancient Azerbaijani manuscripts, including the medical texts that describe aromatherapy. These writings - which are only available in Arabic script - are housed at Baku's Manuscripts Institute. Here Farid shares his research on ancient and medieval beliefs about the healing power of scents.

What is aromatherapy? Today, this term usually refers to treatment with essential oils. These fragrant extracts come from flowers, fruits and herbs - such as rose, violet, thyme, lavender and marjoram - and are usually breathed in or applied to the skin. Although the term "aromatherapy" was only coined in 1937 by René-Mauricé Gattefossé, a French cosmetic chemist, the technique itself is thousands of years old.

Ancient Beliefs
In the ancient kingdoms of Manna (9th-7th centuries BC) and Atropatena (4th-1st centuries BC) - now situated in Southern Azerbaijan (Iran) - people believed that they had to be clean and beautiful in order to attain a higher spirituality. For these purposes, ancient Azerbaijanis used aromatic oils such as frankincense, myrrh, galbanum, rosemary, hyssop, cassia, cinnamon and spikenard.

Some fragrant herbs and trees served a religious purpose. For example, the cypress, with its fragrant needles, was known as the tree of the prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster). The dispersion of oils was also thought to purify the air and provide protection from evil spirits.

According to ancient Turkic beliefs, all fragrant flowers were created by Tangry, the Supreme God of the Blue Sky. The Goddess of Grasses and Trees, Oleng, was his wife. Oleng was also considered to be the patroness of physicians. Each year, at the beginning of spring, the Turkic peoples held solemn festivals in honor of this goddess and burned fragrant herbs such as wormwood.

Ancient Turkic legends tell that the souls of all children arise inside flowers and are then moved to their mothers' bodies. In a 7th-century legend, the elder named Gorgud says: "I was created inside a flower...moved to my mother's body, and born with the assistance of the gray-eyed Angel."

Azerbaijanis treated diseases and injuries with aromatic substances. One scene describing such an occasion comes from the ancient Azerbaijani epic "Dada Gorgud" (Grandfather Gorgud), a compilation of legends that were set down in writing during the 11th century but contain stories that can be traced back to the 6th and 7th centuries. One of the scenes depicts how fragrant flowers were used to heal a lad who had been wounded: "Forty shapely girls ran, gathered flowers from the mountains, mixed them with mother's milk, rubbed this mixture on the wounds of the youth and left him with the healers." The flowers may have been spearmint and chamomile, which are known to have antiseptic and healing properties.

Aromatic plants weren't just for healing. For instance, as far back as the 4th century AD, the people in Caucasian Albania (now northern Azerbaijan) used the herb thyme as both a tonic and an aphrodisiac.

Essential Oils
After Islamic invaders conquered the region in the 7th century, Azerbaijanis began studying the chemical properties of essential oils. They learned from the experience of Muslim alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan (702-765) and other scholars who had helped to develop and refine the distillation process.

In those times, Azerbaijanis could easily have extracted rose oil and prepared rose water, substances that were very popular throughout the entire East. Other essential oils used by medieval Azerbaijanis were fennel, melissa (lemon balm), spearmint, nutmeg, dill, chamomile, cinnamon, lime, orange, bergamot, lemon, myrrh, coriander, black cumin, tarragon, birch, cedarwood, cypress and myrtle. According to existing Azerbaijani manuscripts, at least 60 plant species were used in aromatherapy at the time. Unlike today, even aromatic animal species were used. Our documents identify eight of them.

By studying essential oils, medieval Azerbaijani doctors were able to expand their understanding of aromatherapy and its ability to cure disease. Specific oils were used to treat certain ailments. For instance, basil oil was believed to relax the muscles and have a calming effect. As an ointment, it could heal wounds, cuts and sores. Basil and camphor mixed with flour was used against scorpion bites, and bergamot root was known to alleviate insect bites and act as a repellent. According to the poets Nizami Ganjavi (1141-1203) and Mahammad Fuzuli (1495-1556), rose oil was used as a remedy for headaches and as a topical antiseptic. Mahammad Yusif Shirvani (18th century) recommended an unguent of cumin for sword wounds. Though the concept of antibiotics was not known at the time, physicians did use ointments of cumin, honey and raw onion juice as topical antiseptics.

We know that juniper oil was also used as an antiseptic because Haji Suleyman Iravani, a 17th-century Azerbaijani physician, recommends using ointment from juniper cones to heal wounds. Cypress was used as a strong diuretic for treating urinary disease. And for a person with a cold or a stuffy nose, doctors recommended inhaling the vapors from an infusion of thyme, peppermint or spearmint.

Luxury Treatments
Not everyone could afford these treatments. While substances like violet oil and rose water were fairly inexpensive, imported essential oils were quite costly and only available to the wealthy. Rich people liked to dab themselves with aromatic ointments, substances that also functioned as a form of currency. Kings would barter and buy land, gold, slaves and wives with their crudely extracted oils.

Tenth-century writer Abu Ali Tanuhi observes that shahs and sultans possessed hundreds of jars of rare aromatic ointments in their treasure houses. Some of the ointments - which were worth their weight in gold - were brought from India, Egypt and Byzantium. Tanuhi writes of a miserly ruler who opened his jars, looked at his aromatic ointments with pride, then closed them again, explaining: "I can't bring myself to touch these treasures."

Animal substances like musk, castor and ambergris were particularly expensive, as they had to be imported from China, Russia, the Persian Gulf and India. Not only were these fragrances supposed to attract the female sex; they were also believed to have therapeutic properties.

A dab of ambergris - a gray, waxy substance from the intestinal canals of sperm whales - would strengthen the brain and heart, believed 17th-century physician Hasan ibn Riza Shirvani. This substance is often found floating in tropical seas; to reach Azerbaijan, it had to be imported from the coastal regions of the Indian and Pacific oceans.

The scent of musk, it was believed, would strengthen the heart and nerves and help to get rid of melancholy. To alleviate a headache, musk was mixed with saffron; a single drop on one nostril would be sufficient.

Castor, a substance secreted by male beavers to attract mates, often served as a substitute for musk. One or two drops of castor applied to the face and arms would make a person more appealing, it was believed. In 1311, Kabir Khoyi wrote that a bandage with a few drops of castor was good for treating headaches. Beverages containing castor and vinegar were also used to treat abdominal pain.

Fourteenth-century Azerbaijani scholar Yusif ibn Ismail Khoyi describes eight different methods for administering aromatherapy: (1) Use a pillow filled with medicinal plants. (2) Carry a small pouch filled with dried medicinal plants. (3) Inhale the boiling decoctions of medicinal herbs. (4) Inhale the scent of flowers in special gardens. (5) Hang bunches of healing grasses inside the house. (6) Breathe the odor of burned medicinal plants. (7) Use an aromatic ointment. (8) Take an aromatic bath.

The Fragrant Bath
Modern science has proved that bathing can release muscle tension, dilate blood vessels and slow the heart rate. Baths that contain essential oils are also beneficial. Aromatic baths treat many diseases, eliminate melancholy and nourish the skin and hair.

The earliest information about therapy with bathing and aromatic herbs is documented in the Indian Vedas in 1500 BC.

Of the various types of aromatherapy, aromatic ointments and baths were the most widely used in medieval times. In Eastern bathhouses, fragrant substances were often added directly to the bathwater.
For example, in the 17th century, Mu'min wrote that bathing in a decoction of pine needles was good for diseases of the uterus and rectum. Khoyi believed that laurel baths were effective against urinary disease.

Another method was to apply aromatic ointments to patients' bodies before or after bathing. For example, for a person who had bladder stones, a doctor would have recommended a post-bath massage with an ointment made of pine pitch, euphorbia juice and bdellium (a gum resin similar to myrrh).

Aromatic substances could also be breathed in during the bath. Usually, the patient would place himself near the fragrant fruit or perfume, such as camphor or musk. It was believed that these aromatic substances would strengthen the heart and act as a sedative.

The temperature of the water and the duration of the bath were also important to the treatment. "[Hot] water in a bath should not cover the patient's chest or heart," Ibn Sina (Avicenna) tells. Patients were supposed to bathe while the skin continued to redden and swell. They were advised to stop bathing once the skin turned pale.

According to Azerbaijani folk medicine, after a hot bath or nap, one should apply rose, narcissus or violet essential oils to the face and body. Eastern women especially liked these oils because they made the skin silky and soft.

Pine Needles
Some Azerbaijanis use pine branches to prepare an extraction for bathing, a substance that is supposed to strengthen the nervous system. The essential oil from pine is condensed to a thick syrup, then dried and pressed into tablets.

In Azerbaijan, people with low blood pressure are advised to take a bath with rosemary. It is believed that this fragrant plant stimulates the circulation and serves as a tonic. The recipe has even been documented. To prepare the solution, pour 4 cups of boiling water into a pot containing 5 tablespoons of rosemary leaves, cover, and let steep for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion and add to warm bathwater. The optimal duration for such a procedure is half an hour.

According to Azerbaijani folk medicine, bathing in a lavender decoction has anti-spasmodic and calming effects and is used for neurasthenia and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

Taking a bath with a marjoram decoction is good for flatulence and nervousness and has a diuretic effect, Azerbaijani folk healers say.

According to Azerbaijani folk medicine, bathing in a melissa (lemon balm) decoction is good for heart disease, relief of tachycardia and lowering of the blood pressure. The bathwater must be warm, but not hot.

The Power of Smell
Medieval Azerbaijani physicians believed that the smells of these aromatic substances could help cure ailments. Scholars proposed a type of therapy that may be called "therapeutic use of flower gardens." Medieval Eastern rulers and nobility were advised to spend their leisure time in flowering gardens, for their own treatment and relaxation. If they inhaled the fragrances of flowers, it was believed that they would relax and be cured.

Considering that medieval Azerbaijani doctors were working without the advances of modern scientific medicine, aromatherapy was a fairly ingenious way to treat patients with natural substances that were readily available. For instance, physicians had figured out how to use frankincense and myrrh as natural antiseptics. Herbs like spearmint and chamomile were also known to have antiseptic and healing properties. Today, scientists know that these fragrant herbs contain essential oils that are able to kill microbes and clean and heal wounds.

Forgotten Knowledge
Unfortunately, the use of aromatherapy is not widespread in Azerbaijan today - in fact, many Azerbaijani doctors have never even heard of the term. These practices are only followed on a small scale by folk healers, who rely on herbs like thyme, rose and lemon balm.

A great many of the manuscripts related to aromatherapy that survived from the Middle Ages were destroyed during this past century. After the Bolsheviks captured Baku in 1920 and established the Soviet Union, Azerbaijanis were forced to forget their historical roots, religions, traditions and beliefs.

Purge of Arabic Script
The Bolsheviks set out to completely destroy the "Old World of Violence" and build up what they considered to be a more idealistic world of their own. As the Soviets were eager to stamp out all Islamic influence, they carried out book-burning campaigns. But it wasn't just the Koran and religious manuscripts that fell victim to such a policy. Manuscripts containing medical and scientific observations that were written in the Arabic script were destroyed, too.

[See articles by the late Dr. Asaf Rustamov: (1) "Purging Arabic Script: Loss of Medical Knowledge" (AI 3.4), Winter 1995. Also (2) "Just for Kids: The Day They Burned Our Books" (AI 7.3), Autumn 1999].

Stalin wanted all things in the Soviet Union to be new - new Soviet medicine, new Soviet science, new Soviet culture, new Soviet technology and industry, new Soviet intellectuals and new Soviet people. He himself wrote extensive volumes about these new fields; during his lifetime (up until 1953), they were revered like bibles for Soviet ideology. Ancient medical books were burned, traditional herbal pharmaceutical stores were closed and folk healers were arrested, imprisoned or sometimes even executed.

Ancient books about medicinal plants were not valued. All things related to national traditions were considered outdated, foolish and harmful from an ideological point of view. It may seem strange to us today, but under Stalin's regime, anyone who dared to read ancient medical books written in Arabic could have been arrested as a spy.

After Stalin's death, Soviet laws were still very strict against folk healers. Even during Brezhnev's era, which was relatively mild and peaceful, folk healers were considered charlatans. It was strictly forbidden to heal with the help of ancient recipes. Only Soviet-educated physicians could treat patients, and they were not allowed to use aromatherapy and other traditional treatments. If a doctor used traditional medicine illegally, he could have been convicted by a court and deprived of his medical diploma, or even imprisoned for several years as a quack.

Some of the older folk healers in remote villages continued to heal with aromatic plants illegally and secretly. Sometimes, Soviet authorities didn't pay attention to these people and considered them to be insignificant.

Thanks to these healers, some elements of Azerbaijan folk medicine have survived. But for the most part, the heritage has been lost. How could the tradition of aromatherapy survive completely, if throughout the 70 years of Soviet domination, the books in this field were forbidden, the folk healers were persecuted and the idea itself was considered non-scientific, outdated and foolish?

Alphabet Change
Another contributing factor is that the Azeri alphabet changed three times in the 20th century: from Arabic to Latin (1920s), Latin to Cyrillic (1927), and then from Cyrillic back to Latin again (1991)[See the entire issue "Language and Alphabet in Transition" (AI 8.1), Spring 2000]. Consequently, today there are very few people in the Azerbaijan Republic who can read the few Arabic manuscripts that have managed to survive. Simply, later generations have been cut off from the medical knowledge documented by their very own ancestors.

It's extremely important that we revive this tradition today on the basis of medieval medical writings. It's a heritage that belongs to us. I believe that the practices of medieval Azerbaijan aromatherapy should not be abandoned and neglected, but rather gleaned for their potential scientific enlightenment. Not only are these medical texts interesting from a historical point of view; they may shed light on how we can improve the quality of our lives today - and not just here in Azerbaijan.

Reviving Aromatherapy
Reviving alternative medical practices such as aromatherapy won't be easy. Due to the economic crisis and hardships of the transition period since the collapse of the Soviet Union, many people are too poor to think about new luxury treatment methods. Besides, several generations of Azerbaijani physicians have been educated in Soviet universities. They follow the standard methods of treatment that were accepted in the former Soviet Union. They don't know the Arabic alphabet and can't read ancient Azerbaijani medical manuscripts with their obscure botanical and medical terms. Many of the physicians know Russian, but don't know English and other European languages, so they aren't familiar with the latest trends in Western medicine and the growing popularity of aromatherapy in the contemporary world.

Perhaps the real revival of traditional medicine in Azerbaijan will only come with a new, active and open-minded generation of physicians who are committed to integrating ancient traditions with modern scientific knowledge.

Azerbaijanis once had extensive knowledge about aromatherapy. These ancient ideas may still turn out to be relevant, if we can only unlock their secrets today.

Dr. Farid Alakbarov holds a doctoral degree in Historical Sciences and a Candidate of Sciences degree in Biology. His most recent book, "One Thousand and One Secrets of the East", documents his research of the fascinating field of Azerbaijan's medieval medical manuscripts. The book was published in Baku, 2001 (in Russian). Dr. Alakbarov has written several articles for Azerbaijan International magazine starting in 1997, especially concerning medieval medical manuscripts in the Arabic script. SEARCH at Contact him at


The following Kitchen Pharmacy was submitted by Samina TK:

The Somalian heal themselves by drinking black tea and lemon when they get sore throat and Gurgling with hot water and salt .They also drink shredded black pepper , honey and garlic when they have the stomach flu. When they are sick they also try to maintain eating wet food and fruits such as apples, peaches, plums and hot soup and beans. Somalians also eat bananas when they have diarrhea. They also chew the juice part of garlic by itself. When Somalian break any part of their bones they drink camel milk, and maize.


Assalaam Alaikum,

I have problems with a bloated stomach Can you help? (This letter has been edited to protect the privacy of the person who asked the question)

Dear Sister,

A bloated stomach can often mean that candida yeast have grown quite strong in her system which is often the case when taking prescription medications. So you should use a colon cleanser that is both gentle for her age, and one that will attack the candida. A very gentle one she could try is Thyme Tea. It is a traditional herb that was taken in Europe and the Middle East for a long time to heal all sorts of digestive and colon issues in kids - even parasites! It is sad we have forgotten about this wonderful remedy! At her age she could drink a cup every day for about ten days. Best is to drink one cup in the morning and one at night. It is said to give one good dreams - I don't know about that but it certainly helps me sleep at night when I take it!. It is also VERY VERY good for the lungs. I have used it in emergency situations when I was having asthma attacks. So it is a good herb for your daughter "all around". Good luck!

Blessings & Health,
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND