Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What is the difference between Herbs and Homeopathy? LETTER TO THE EDITOR

RE: What is the major difference between herbal remedies and homeopathy? Can they both be taken simutanously? - MK

Dear MK,

The major differences between herbal and homeopathic remedies are this:

1. Herbal remedies work on a physical level as well as an energetic level (although many herbalists ignore this energetic level), homeopathic medicine works on an energetic level and not on a physical level. It is the energy vibration of the medicine that is inducing the reaction in the body and not the physical substance. For more information on what an "energy level" is you can visit :

Emoto's work on water illustrates what "energetic level" means better than any description I have ever heard in the world of homeopathy.

2. Homeopathic remedies treat on the theory that Like Heals Like. So, when you give a homeopathic remedy for a "fever and red cheeks with sweating that came on suddenly" you will give a remedy that causes "fever and red cheeks with sweating that comes on suddenly" in healthy test subjects.

J is right in that you can use them together. However, you do have to wait a half hour before taking any herbal remedies (just as you do with taking ANY substance with homeopathic remedies...not just herbs) and you need to avoid herbs with very strong smells like Valerian or Mint.

I don't usually use both, however, as I work mostly with "single" remedies. I like to keep things simple and get a real feel for what each remedy or herb does on its own. For this reason, I try each remedy apart from another one so I can tell which one is doing what. If I gave belladona (homeopathic) for a fever and then I gave the same person hibiscus tea (for a fever) and the fever went down I would not know which one worked better. Most of the time I find that if you can get to know a remedy or an herb very very well (and this takes time and patience) you can usually use just one thing and it will work very well.

However, when I was first learning about healing and sometimes when my kids are very sick and I don't want to wait around to see what happens...I used to dose with everything and was just glad when one of them worked!

Blessings & Health,
Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND

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